
Two dimensional representations of five dimensional objects

Monday, January 21, 2008

make your own spinning wheel?

My stepfather retired, and since he likes woodworking and similar, I'm going to see if I can get him to make me something like a bulky spinning wheel. He could use a bicycle wheel. This would be great - we'll see. I can't afford an Ashford Country Spinner, but desperately want something like that.

Tuesday, January 01, 2008

Ravelry lures me in

I just got on Ravelry.com, and I'm addicted. This will probably be the thing to get me back netted into the web.


This year, I did some stuff:
1. Lace: got a start on lace knitting
2. Socks: toe up short row heel: the best way
3. Entrelac: not hard, and fun to do

Next year, some goals:
1. More lace, smaller yarn. Try not to make a mess of it.
2. Socks:
a. Short row toe
b. Magic loop!
c. If b isn't a disaster, then 2 at a time on a loop!
3. Entrelac socks
4. Fairisle!:
a. Learn how
b. if a isn't a complete disaster, maybe (gasp) steeks...? EEK STEEKS